You Say White House Ebola Response Coordinator, I Say Ebola Czar

You say toe-may-toe. I say toe-mah-toe. You say White House Ebola Response Coordinator. I say Ebola Czar. Either way, President Obama’s appointment of Ron Klain has as been a bit of an enigma for most Americans.

I mean, wouldn’t it make more sense to pick someone, say, with an infectious disease or public health background? Or at least some sort of medical doctor? But “he’s strong. He’s very tough,” said CNN political analyst David Gergen. “It’s important in this job to be a coordinator; you have to knock heads together. He’s tough enough to do that.” Okay… now I get it. POTUS was looking for someone to arm wrestle ebola, not actually coordinate the government’s response to the deadly virus. Ron Klain… you da man!

Anyway, in addition to possessing bouncer-like brawn and burliness and a super-awesome head of hair, Mr. Klain’s other noteworthy qualifications include being the Obama administration’s point man in the Solyndra fraud; the muscle behind 2000 presidential candidate, Al Gore’s, Florida ballot recount debacle; and former Chief of Staff and trusted advisor to Uncle Joey McMensa…

Screen Shot 2014-10-21 at 8.59.18 AM…AND, rumor has it, he stays at Holiday Inn Express when he travels.

Just in case you’re still not convinced Ron Klain is a competent choice, you’ll want to check out the Daily Caller’s list of Candidates Who Are Way More Qualified To Be Ebola Czar Than Ron Klain.

You say poe-tay-toe. I say poe-tah-toe. You say toe-may-toe. I say toe-may-toe. Poe-tay-toe. Poe-tah-toe. Toe-may-toe. Toe-mah-toe. Let’s call the whole thing off.


Copyright © 2014 Just Another Ordinary Day by Antoinette Datoc All Rights Reserved

Democalypse 2014

Hypocrisy, thy name is Democrat…

“Last week the people who wanted to delay Obamacare were called legislative arsonists and terrorists who were holding the country hostage. This week they’re called Democrats.”

Comment from txhsmom on October 23, 2013 at 7:19 PM

…and there’s more.

You know it’s bad when Jon Stewart accuses liberals of hypocrisy.

A New Kind Flash Mob

There’s a new kind of flash mob, hitting shopping malls these days, designed to incite violence and provoke anger. Silly me… I thought flash mobs were supposed to make people happy. Then again, some people aren’t happy unless they’re complaining about something.

From our friends at Young Conservatives.

Protesters in the St. Louis area decided to expand their cause from demonstrating against the shooting death of black man Michael Brown to becoming “freedom fighters” in the struggle for “racial equality.”

Demonstrators decided to deliver a message to all of the “racist white people” in the area by invading a local mall and shouting their demands for freedom, although most in the crowd are still puzzled over what freedom these people actually want, seeing as how they have the same rights and protections as everyone else.

If you’ve got an extra 3 minutes and 42 seconds to play with sometime today, take a gander at this manufactured outrage.

More from our friends at Young Conservatives:

This seems a tad bit over dramatic, don’t you think?

It’s pretty obvious that these people are race baiters that have been brainwashed by too much exposure to folks like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, men who make their living stirring up racial division.

The angry young lady in this video continues to chant about fighting for her freedom, saying she has nothing to lose but her chains, yet it’s not the white man who is keeping her down. It’s progressive Democrats, many of whom she likely hails as heroes.

If she were really concerned about fighting for freedom, she’d squash the racially charged rhetoric and join forces with the millions of Americans who are standing up against an ever expanding government that’s doing its best to hook people on welfare and steal away their rights.

Hopefully these people will wake up to reality and stop falling for the lies being told to them by slick progressive politicians and left-leaning media and start fighting against the real enemy that seeks to take away their freedom.


What Do You Get When You Cross a Radical Liberal Feminist with a Psycho Snack Mom?

What do you get when you cross a radical liberal feminist with a psycho snack mom?

Photo courtesy of Pintrest

Photo courtesy of Pintrest

Vagina cookies!

Seriously, folks, in case you hadn’t heard, some psycho nut-job of a mom baked vagina cookies, delivered them to her kid’s second grade classroom and became unhinged when the teacher politely refused to serve them to her students because (as said teacher calmly pointed out to psycho mom) VAGINA COOKIES ARE NOT APPROPRIATE SNACKS FOR SEVEN YEAR OLD CHILDREN.

The nerve of some people! (Insert sarcasm.) That teacher didn’t even bother to think about psycho mom’s feeeeelings… I mean do you have any idea how loooooong it takes to bake and decorate anatomically correct vagina cookies?!

I am well acquainted with the stress of attempting to strike the perfect balance between visual appeal, palatability and health benefits in a single serving snack. Indeed, on one or two occasions I have been one of those uber-competitive snack mom types, fiendishly trying to outdo the previous week’s clever confection, but never… NEVER… in all my years have I contemplated bringing a tray of genitalia inspired treats to my kids’ school. And do you want to know why? DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY? Because I am not INSANE. That’s why. (Special note to my sons, Christian and Jared: You’re welcome).

Anyway, apparently psycho mom came a wee bit unglued and started screaming about “vaginal pride” in front of the entire class. And if you think throwing a tantrum and shrieking the word vagina in front of a bunch of second graders is enough drama for one day… WRONG! Later that evening psycho mom sent the following impassioned email to the teacher.

“Miss (Teacher’s Name),

I would just like to take the time and express my feeling of todays incident. I thought you were a very well educated woman due to your accomplishments and, your well known teaching methods. You have completely changed my mind. You are one of the most closed minded women I know. You settled for less when you became a teacher because that is known for a women’s job. Why teaching because you are a woman? Why are you denying important education to our future leaders of the world. I must say that knowing the human body for both men and women is a beautiful thing and you are depriving them for that. We as women should stand together and inform people about the vagina and how to please it. I will no longer be participating on Fridays due to the lack of respect I was shown today. We should celebrate the vagina not be embarrassed by it. So I, (parents’ names), we be taking or trying to take (child’s name) out of your class due to your cliche role in life in being a teacher and not wanting to empower women. I hope you end up with an abusive husband that beats on you every night.”

Now, I’m no saint, but I will say I’ve never wished for nightly beatings from an abusive husband on anyone, even someone really, really annoying like Hillary Clinton or Sandra Fluke or Nancy Pelosi. Ironic, isn’t it, that a woman who chooses to advance the feminist cause via unambiguous, home-baked, confectionary iterations of “vaginal pride” would wish such a thing on another woman?

And by the way, what exactly is “vaginal pride” and when did it become part of common culture? And how do women like Eve Ensler (The Vagina Monologues) and Naomi Wolf (Vagina: A Biography) become so exceedingly proud of their vaginas that they are inspired to write plays and books about them? And whatever happened to simple rice crispy treats for second graders? I don’t get it. I really don’t.

Here’s the deal. I’m as vain as the next gal. I’m proud of my sassy, new haircut and I think I have nice teeth, but my vagina is…well… it’s just sort of there. I’ve never had penis envy and I don’t have vagina pride. If anything, what I possess is vagina humility. You know, as in having a modest view of my vagina’s importance in the world.

The truth is I simply don’t have strong feelings about my vagina one way or the other. I mean I’m certainly fine with having one (particularly when giving birth), but I don’t feel compelled to draw attention to it and I’m certainly not baking pastries that depict and glorify it.

Call me old fashioned, but I don’t get this whole “vaginal pride” business. Maybe that’s because there’s nothing particularly spectacular about my vagina. Whatever. The fact is I do not possess “vaginal pride” and even if I did, I’m confident I’d take the subtle approach in expressing it. Maybe bake something more traditional, let’s say a pineapple upside-down cake… with a cherry on top.

Copyright © 2014  Just Another Ordinary Day by Antoinette D. Datoc  All Rights Reserved





Confederacy of Dunces

The Confederacy of Dunces is at it again… spewing forth with no regard for fact or truth. I literally gagged when I watched this clip.

Then there’s Megyn Kelly.

and part two…

…but it wasn’t terrorism in the name of jihad. It wasn’t even a bloody, savage murderous act. It was workplace violence.  Yeah. Because, according to Melissa Harris-Perry and social justice comedian (whiskey, tango, foxtrot???) Negan Farsad, Muslims are funny. So I guess that makes Muslim Jihadists hilarious. Yep. The heinous beheading of an innocent American on American soil by a self-proclaimed Muslim Jihadist. That’s what I call a laugh riot. How about you?

Heaven. Help. Us.